Order the sampler with veneers!

We are aware that no picture won’t show the true color of the veneer.
Therefore, for interested we created samplers of veneers.

Samplers of modified veneers:

Samplers are made of full size of veneers cut to the desired format from the leaves of our material. In this way, holding a the sampler, you can assess a wide variety of species, and also check the quality of veneer with fleece back.

We offer samples with raw material in format A5 but we highly recommend the lacquered samples in formats A6, A5 and A4, which accurately reflect the color and color saturation veneer in final form.

Our novelty is the catalog on the CD, which contains photos of veneers in high resolution.
The files are ready for use in design programs – it is the ideal solution for architects and designers.

We also offer samplers of natural veneer (raw) in format A4.

We also invite you to check our on-line catalog .

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