
If you have any questions about the price, availability, transportation and material, please contact our office, our qualified staff will assist you.

You can send us the order in different ways – you can send it by fax, e-mail or make a telephone conversation with our staff. When it comes to the first transaction, please send your exact shipping address by fax or by e-mail.

Please visit our office and our stationary store.

Office and shop:

Tel.:   58 325 24 25
Fax:   58 325 24 33
Mobile. 669 330 000


Address:   ul. Spacerowa 17
83-031 Łęgowo k/Gdańska

The opening hours:   08:00 – 16:00

NIP:   593-101-71-17
Regon:   221017848

How to find us:

Feel free to contact

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